marți, 20 noiembrie 2012

Best Romania Archaeology Tour

Romania has an ancient civilization, thousand years ago these fertile blessed lands have been by the people who were hunting and farming. Only one month ago, during excavation works for the building of a highway, it has been discovered an 8000 years old written stone plate, probably the oldest writing world wide.
The Romanian dances are a major subject of interests, the songs set the language barrier

Is is fascinating to navigate through the Romanian history, searching artifacts and thinking to the daily life of the people. Even this thing I am going to propose you, in an unforgettable History and Archaeology Tour of Romania. We are going to start from the antique Greek and Roman times in Tomis, the father of the today Constanta. I propose you also something based on the overexagerated legend of Dracula, and I am not going to miss a visit in the most important History and Archaeology Museums in Romania, in Bucharest and Constanta. Bear in mind that the time is late for this year, the winter comes and is knocking on the door. My tip: still possible to do and book this year, getting a 10 % off discount!
The antic ruins of Histria are simply fascinating if try to figure the daily life in those  old times

Day One  
Arrive in Bucharest, drive to hotel in Constanța. At the moment Constanta is not anymore animated and overcrowded, an excellent season for visiting the charming city
Day Two
 Constanța, the ancient city of Tomis, including some current excavations, including the ‘mosaic building’. The large museum 
houses finds from all over Dobrogea, including the famous ‘Sculpture Treasury’.
Contemporary Bucharest

Day Three
Day at
 Histria, the largest excavation site in Romania. It was an ancient Milesian apoikia (trading colony) from the 7th century BC, which was subsequently abandoned. Most of the visible monuments are Late Roman in date, including city walls, baths and several Christian basilicas.
Day Four
Drive to
 Adamclisi to see the Tropaeum Traiani, the triumphal monument erected in celebration of Trajan’s vistory over the Dacians - the provincial counterpart to Trajan’s column in Rome, one of the very few such monuments which still survives. Continue to Bucharest. Optional, wine tasting in Murfatlar.
The monument of Adamclisi celebrates the Roman conquest of the ancient Dacia 

Day Five
National Museum in Bucharest, containing treasures from all over Romania, including lifesize replicas of the reliefs of Trajan’s column in Rome. The museum’s ‘treasury’ is also very impressive displaying Romania’s most valuable artefacts (including much gold and silver) from prehistory to the modern era. ‘Pharaonic House of the People’, the world’s largest civilian building, built under the Ceausescu regime, which now houses the Romanian Parliament. The old city of Bucharest is changing fast - those who want to see it should hurry! Free afternoon. Discover the typical architecture of an Orthodoxe church in archbishopic of Bucharest. Extra free discount: Bucharest Architectural Tour
Day Six
Drive along the Prahova Valley to
 Bran Castle, popularly linked with Dracula, founded in the 14th century and later used as a defence against the Ottoman Empire. Continue to Brasov (‘Black Church’) and city break
Sarmizegetusa in the mountains, the former Capital of Dacia

Day Seven
Sibiu, a Medieval town founded in the 12th century by Saxon settlers, became the most important of Translyvania’s ‘seven cities’. Charming old town with narrow lanes, Medieval houses, churches, merchants guild and the Bruckenthal Palace, which houses one of Romania’s largest and oldest museums. It was European ‘Capital of Culture’ in 2007.
Day Eight
Sarmizegetusa Regia, capital of the Dacian kingdom - monumental architecture with Greek influence, and a quite unique appearance, including defensive walls, artificial terraces, temples and sanctuaries. Nearby fort of Costesti.
Day Nine
Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa, capital of the Roman province of Dacia, with amphitheatre, temples, forum and the residence of the province’s financial procurator. On to the Gothic Hunyad Castle at Hunedoara, associated with John Hunyadi, the Romanian general who fought the Turks.
Day Ten
Drive back to Bucharest for flights home.

Total costs of 990 Euros include good *** hotels with lunch, breakfast and lunch, as also all necessary fees and entrances,  but exclude the flight, the optional wine tasting and tipping.

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