joi, 4 ianuarie 2018

Former Romanian capitals

Romania as a success story celebrates this year 100 years from the Unification, which is actually our national day. But our history goes far beyond and is really troubled and interesting, no doubt. Campulung, the first Capital of Wallachia I won't go in the details, which are not very relevant for the today tourist. The today tourist must see something, taste a special food and have a place to sleep. We have plenty of them, and many travel agencies offer more or less outstanding travel to Romania. I would go further and send you outside from the beatten path mentioning something about our former Capitals. Briefly speaking, during Middle Age, there were three Romanian countries, known as Wallachia, Moldavia and Transilvania. The today Capital,...

sâmbătă, 28 ianuarie 2017

Try to understand Romania before visiting it

Whether you are for the first time in Romania, or the tenth, you are simply supposed to take a few time to understand thoroughly the country forehand. Romania is not at all exclusively a Dracula land, but an interesting culture destination And you must do that because Romania is not only the land of Dracula or the land of Ceausescu. We have an interesting history, and during the Middle Age there were three Romanian principates, namely Moldavia, Vallachia and Transilvania, which have been influenced by the neighboring empires, respectively Russian, Othoman and Austrian. It took a few centuries to understand the simple fact of our unity, and afterwards to realise this unity through successive and successfully unifications. Most of our heroes...

miercuri, 25 ianuarie 2017

Only for honeymooners in Romania

As Romania is an unforgettable country, and your marriage or honeymoon is also supposed to be like that, I think you can have the both in the same time. That's why I would like to propose you Romania as the perfect destination for honeymoon or/and wedding. The wonderful city of Iassy, perfect destination for honeymooners and culture freaks But first of all, you must fill the first condition: you must be deep in love, over the ears! Then if you are looking for the best location for your marriage, please consider The Kiss Gate. It is a modern sculpture carved by Constantin Brancusi, an artist we are very proud of, lieing in a central park of the city of Targu Jiu. It not at all unusual having there your civil ceremony, and many Romanians...

marți, 24 ianuarie 2017

Top notch destinations in Romania

I simply can warmly recommend you Romania as a wonderful destination. Please take a profit of my knowledge, as I am a born Romanian, love this country very much, and I have learned it by heart as I am a travel guide since many years. Casa Bazna in Transilvania/Romania, a special, idyllic and silent place Really not easy to concentrate on the best destinations in Romania, but I will try. As a warming, en passant, could say something about two very interesting hotels in Romania, having a few things in common: friendly staff and good service, normal prices and tremendous neighborhoods. Really top notch destinations, I would say and sustain convincely. One of it lies in Predeal, 130 km away from Bucharest, and I mean hotel Piemonte. You have...

miercuri, 16 martie 2016

You can't see the dark side of the moon, but you are able to visit Romania

I think sometimes, that Romania is still a terra incognita (unknown land), despite my desperate work on social media, and specially on this blog. And I can definitely compare Romania with the dark side of the moon. Genuine nature with a pelican in Danube Delta Why is happening this? May be is not fair for Romania, and for us, the Romanians. One possible explanation is the lack of efforts, or middles, of the Romanian government. Another explanation is the scandal press, looking for hot stuff everywhere. A few years ago Britain was freightened due to the opening for working permits concerning Romanians and Bulgarians. The reality was not so bad at all comparing with the predicted apocalypse of the main newspapers. Or maybe a conspiracy theory...

Travelling smart to Romania

I can bet, you are the happy owner of a smart device, most probably a smart phone. The youngsters and teenagers must have even more and unfortunately are already dependant. I wonder if they must be smarter under these circumstances. A very old house from the Village Museum in Bucharest, please don't imagine Romania like that But with so many smart devices we all are supposed to live smarter, and, yes, to travel smarter! What would I understand through a smart travel, and what you understand through this notion is the same thing, I hope: spare time and money, never neglect thinking to environment, Earth and the locals of the visited country. And to be even more specific, I would like to refer to Romania, as I love it, I know as my pockets ...

marți, 15 martie 2016

In vino veritas, something about the Romanian wines

The ancient Romans defeated the local Dacians in the II.nd century a.C. and in this way started the history of the Romanian people and language. A glass of wine is such a nice way expressing the joy of life Really difficult to find out today what is Roman and what is Dacian in the today Romanian people and no one should waste his/her time with this impossible task. Fact is, that in every Romanian city you will find a Traian street, as a Decebal street. They were the rulers, they clushed one against other and Decebal commited suicide after his defeat. Did Dracula love wine? We still must research Thinking about wine, it wasn't totally unknown to the Dacians, but the Romans brought new sorts and started many new plantations. It was decisive...

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